Teachers go into their classrooms every day hoping to inspire their students. The special teachers realize that sometimes it is the students who inspire the teachers. One of those special teachers is Hope Academy’s History, Government and Psychology teacher, Jordan Mills.

For Jordan, who is celebrating his 14th year with Hope Academy, the students are the best part of his job. And thanks to Hope Academy’s smaller class sizes, that is all the more possible. “It really gives you an opportunity to get to know each and every student – and their learning style,” he said.
Whether he is playing board games with his students, developing intricate, Minecraft-inspired History projects, or even taking his Government class on a trip to Washington D.C., Mr. Mills is always finding creative ways to help his students learn inside and outside of the classroom.
In his spare time, Jordan is an avid runner (see recent photo of running in below freezing temps!) who loves playing games, fixing things, collecting phones playing guitar, watching true crime and science fiction shows, and spending time with his wife.
While Jordan has certainly earned the admiration, he is adamant that the most admirable part of Hope Academy are its students. “Even with high expectations, they still surpassed them!” beamed Mr. Mills.