Attendance at Hope Academy – Why Our Students Keep Showing Up

Attendance at Hope Academy – Why Our Students Keep Showing Up

Student absenteeism is a pressing issue nationwide, with Indiana implementing strict policies, including potential criminal charges for guardians of chronically absent students.

Attendance is often a significant challenge for students before they join our recovery school, with many barely attending their previous schools due to struggles with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Before coming to Hope, students average a 30% attendance rate, and are often overlooked until it’s too late, leading them to fall behind or even drop out.

However, at Hope Academy, our student attendance rate averages at 92%. These are students who traditionally might have become part of a drop-out statistic—or worse. So, why do our students show up?

  • Peer Connection and Relationships: At Hope, we cultivate a strong sense of community. Students are surrounded by peers who understand their journey and share their experiences. This peer connection fosters a sense of belonging, which is a powerful motivator for attendance. Students want to come to school because they know they’re not alone—they’re part of a supportive community that truly cares about their well-being.
  • Strong Relationships with Teachers and Coaches: Our teachers and coaches go beyond academics—they invest in each student’s success. By building strong, trusting relationships, they create a space where students feel valued. This personal connection motivates students to show up, knowing that they have adults who believe in their potential and are dedicated to helping them succeed.

    Sense of Ownership and Responsibility: At Hope, we foster an environment where students feel a sense of ownership and responsibility, both to the school and to each other. They take pride in being part of a community that values their input and contributions. This sense of ownership instills a commitment to attend regularly and actively participate, as they realize their presence and efforts make a real difference.

  • Safe and Supportive Environment: Students at Hope feel seen and safe, knowing that the school is a place where they can learn, grow, and make mistakes without fear of judgment. A misstep isn’t the end, rather an opportunity for improvement. This supportive environment encourages students to try again, and keep coming back, knowing they have a safety net that will help them navigate challenges.
  • Academic Success: For many of our students, Hope Academy is the first place where they begin to experience real academic success. With tailored support and a curriculum designed to meet them where they are, students start to see improvement in their grades and understanding of subjects. This success is incredibly motivating—they want to come back because, often for the first time, they’re experiencing academic achievement. This newfound confidence in the classroom translates to a greater desire to attend school regularly, as they realize they are capable of more than they ever thought possible.

At Hope, we create a space where students want to be—where they can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, supported by a community that cares deeply about their success.