Comprehensive Curriculum
At Hope Academy, students earn a Core 40 high school diploma that meets all college admission standards. Our faculty strives to provide a comprehensive and challenging curriculum to meet individual needs. Each student receives personal guidance, including college planning, resume writing and interview coaching, as they pursue higher education or a career.
In addition to standard courses, we offer remedial support learning and credit recovery programs for students who are behind in school work. Our curriculum is adaptive and suitable for students with different learning abilities, and our small class sizes ensure all students receive opportunities for one-on-one time.
See the curriculum maps here.
The following courses are available at Hope Academy:
Mathematics: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Probability and Statistics, Pre-Calculus
English: English 9, 10, 11, and 12, Creative Writing, Composition, Themes in Literature, Speech
Social Studies: Economics, United States Government, Psychology, United States History, and World History & Civilization
Science: Biology I, Integrated Chemistry & Physics, Earth & Space Science I, Chemistry
Health and Physical Education: Health & Wellness Education, Medical Terminology, Physical Education I, Physical Education II, and Elective Physical Education
Other Hope Academy Offerings: Recovery and Wellness, Introduction to 2D Art, Introduction to 3D Art, Painting, Sculpture, Interpersonal Relationships, Anatomy and Physiology, Intro to Business, College and Career Readiness

Because student academic success and recovery go hand-in-hand, Hope Academy offers the Supportive, Therapeutic, Action-focused Recovery Room (STARR) Program. The goal of this program is to prepare students to enter Hope Academy successfully.
STARR students receive:
- The opportunity to engage in additional recovery education and support
- Greater individualized classroom instruction
- Closer monitoring of behavior
- Increased personal accountability
STARR evaluation measures are:
- Showing a positive attitude (open and willing)
- Displaying appropriate behaviors (centered, compliant, expectations followed)
- Building skills (cooperative, engaged, making progress)
- Completing school work (academic work is quality work)
- Utilizing recovery tools and support (recovery requirements met, making progress)
Hope Academy’s online classes allow students to work in an interactive and comfortable setting, while also allowing them to take courses that are not always offered in physical classrooms.
PLATO® Learning is an industry leader in secondary instructional solutions, offering comprehensive libraries of rigorous, interactive courses and assessments. Online high school courses make it possible to accommodate various learning styles and needs. PLATO offers everything from credit recovery to preparation for high-stakes exams.
Courses Offered via Distance Learning / Online: Advanced English Literature, Advanced Chemistry, Geography, Global Studies (various), Art History & Appreciation, Computer Applications and Technology, Business Basics, Spanish I, Spanish II, and other courses determined through individual career counseling.
See our Continuous Learning Plan here.