Special Funds at Hope Academy

At Hope Academy, our mission is to empower students to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. These Special Funds provide support for our students, offering scholarships and programs that make a lasting impact on their lives. We invite you to join us by donating to one or more of these funds. Your donation will directly benefit our students, helping them achieve their academic and personal goals.

Dr. Sig Zielke Scholarship Fund

Awarded annually to the Hope Academy Valedictorian

Dr. Sig Zielke was an accomplished scholar and clinician, and as a co-founder of Hope Academy, he dedicated his life to educating and empowering young minds. He developed innovative tools and methods to help students reach their full potential. Dr. Zielke’s passion for teaching and commitment to guiding adolescents toward successful futures were at the core of his life’s work.

The Dr. Sig Zielke Scholarship Fund honors his legacy by awarding a scholarship annually to the Hope Academy valedictorian. This prestigious award is presented during the graduation ceremony, recognizing the student’s exceptional academic achievements and dedication.


Tim Lannan GPS Fund

Support the Lannan GPS Fund and Empower Hope Academy Students

Tim Lannan was a proud Hoosier, Lawrence Central High School, and Indiana University alum. He had a deep love for sports, music, reading, beach vacations, and above all, being “Grandpa.” His personal experience with substance use disorder and his stepdaughter’s graduation from Hope Academy in 2012 fostered a profound connection to our mission.

The Lannan GPS Fund was established in his memory to support Hope Academy students on their paths to recovery. The GPS (Guiding Paths to Success) program offers after-school hangouts, homework help and tutoring, peer mentoring, and sober, fun social activities.

These activities run three days a week and during all school breaks, providing continuous support crucial for maintaining sobriety. Research shows that connection with recovery coaches and peers significantly improves recovery outcomes.

For every $1,000 raised, Hope can add an extra day of GPS programming, directly benefiting our students. Honor Tim’s legacy by contributing to the Lannan GPS Fund.


The Jim Barnes Scholarship Award

Jim Barnes is a distinguished industrialist and artist with a longstanding commitment to Hope Academy. His artworks are proudly displayed at the Academy, and we are honored to collaborate with him to offer educational opportunities to deserving graduates.

Jim Barnes, an alum of Ball State University with advanced studies at Purdue University, has a diverse background in industrial education, including metal and woodworking, material science, electrical and plastics engineering, ceramics, photography, and graphic design. His passion for supporting the Indianapolis community and promoting Art Education, especially among minorities and young women, is reflected in the Jim Barnes Scholarship Award.

Valued between 1,000, this scholarship is presented annually at the Hope Academy Commencement to a deserving student. The award process begins each spring semester, with a selection made by Hope Academy administrators and Mr. Barnes or his executor. This scholarship aids a student in their pursuit of higher education, supporting their journey toward achieving their dreams.